Originally transcribed on the occasion of her Baptism, 26/09/2021
"In my preschool years I went to a Sunday school which took place in a bungalow near this church, and was taught by a lady called Mrs Lockwood. When I became old enough she brought us here where I attended with my 3 sisters to join in with the children's groups - Ambassadors - and then as a teenager to the Young People's Fellowship where I met my husband Paul. At the age of 15 - at this church, I made a commitment and asked Jesus into my life. Since then Christ has been central in my life, and has always been beside me - no matter what is happening. Life has not always been plain sailing and, like most, there have been difficult times and sad times. But I am always conscious of Christ staying beside me, always there to pray to, and gain strength from. I know that my prayers are heard. I know that often I have to be patient waiting for him to answer, but I never have any doubt that he is with me. It is with this knowledge that I now come to baptism. He is here with me now and I place my trust afresh in Him. I have so much to be thankful for and feel so happy that I am being baptised. God is my Father Jesus is my Saviour The holy spirit is my helper and Heaven is my home." Andrea Biddle
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