My testimony, compared to a great deal of people, is not a dramatic one. I don't have a specific date when I felt the change in me but I know before and at the time of my baptism, that the Lord was very important to me and I needed to show that love by publicly going through the waters of baptism declaring the love of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Growing up in a loving family gave me security for which I will always be thankful. My parents were not Christians during the early years of my life, but my sister started to go to a uniformed organisation called 'Junos' at the local Baptist Church, and they then started to attend themselves. Both of them gave their lives to the Lord and were baptised. I then joined the same group as my sister and we all worshipped there together. We were really blessed by the current minister at the time of my early life and through to my teens and was privileged to be baptised by him before he retired. I'll never forget that weekend of my baptism - I was a bridesmaid on the Saturday, baptised on the Sunday and my 21st was on the Monday! A very special memory for all sorts of reasons. It hasn't been a smooth road throughout my life and I have regretted some of the big mistakes I have made. However, there has never been a time when I haven't believed, but on occasions I didn't know in what direction I was going. Although, as I mentioned, I grew up in a loving home, I felt I was missing out on something. As I approached my 20's, then 30's + I was feeling quite lonely and sometimes quite low. Where was my life going - was I meant to remain single? I know Paul quotes the passage in 1 Cor 7 on marriage, which of course is a powerful one, but would I cope on my own? Of course I had friends and a couple of relationships. One of which I have regretted over the years. There have been times when this has affected me throughout my life and caused me to doubt my Christianity. But I know that the Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross for MY sins and know that they have been forgiven. I approached my 40's and I was still single and involved in the Church activities etc., so thought this is what God has planned for me. "For I know the plans I have for you", declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29 v 11. I threw all my energy into a business, opening a shop in Greenwich Market. This was quite an adventure ,which my family were involved in also. By then, I was approaching 50 and still on the shelf, but was not giving up hope! At the latter part of my business a lovely guy started to come to the Church and yes, our eyes met........ A happy ending? Yes, he and I married and have grown in the Christian faith, working together in the Church praising and glorifying our Lord Jesus Christ. Looking back, I have experienced a lot - especially patience! I know that the Lord was working in my life and still is. I conclude with a special verse of mine from Romans 8 v 28: 'And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him who have been called according to his purpose'. How true that is. |
Sylvia Chalkley
Sylvia is married to Dave whose striking testimony can be read here. They have both been members for some time, and contribute often to the work of the Church. |